Our place is sustainable and environmentally friendly. In Sabang there now electricity support, but still many generators in use. We are yet the only one here to use additional solar energy. In contrast to other accommodation we offer 24/7 electricity (there electricity is only available until 8 pm, as the generators are turned off in the evening).
The way to us is partly in bad conditions and in the evening not illuminated, We are in a quiet corner of Sabang, about 10 min to walk from the center. Vissiting us please bring enough cash (there is only one ATM in Sabang) and flashlight for walking at night.
This park features a spectacular limestone karst landscape with an underground river. One of the river's distinguishing features is that it emerges directly into the sea, and its lower portion is subject to tidal influences. The area also represents a significant habitat for biodiversity conservation. The site contains a full 'mountain-to-sea' ecosystem and has some of the most important forests in Asia.
It is listed in the Worrld Heritage Sites of UNESCO
Puerto-Princesa Subterranean River National Park
Braking News: From Februar 2020 on you can get the permit for Entrance the Underground River finally in Sabang!
Coming to Sabang: If you arrive on airport after 5 pm there is no more van going to Sabang! (only private expensive vans for 3.500 Peso) So if you arrive late, you should stay at least 1 night in Puerto Princesa City. We also offer Transport from Airport for 2.900 Peso. Please note that the flights from Manila are usually delayed, sometimes up to 4 hours. So please plan your trip here carefully. We also have a beautiful guesthouse in Puerto Princesa City with pick-up if you are interested.
Please always check the accessability in advance:
In case the park is closed or there are no more tickets available we are not responsible.
You will rent the whole cottage just for yourself. There will be no other guests. We have a security and caretaker on the opposite part of the property. If you are friendly, they will offer you a small free breakfast (coffee & snack) 🙂
Double Bed (Queensize)
Check-in from 2 pm
Check-out until 12 am
Prices 2021
January to April 1,500 PHP
Mai to October 1,300 PHP
November to December 1,600 PHP
Don‘t invite or party with guests from outside, as long as we did not explicit allowed it. No illegal drugs allowed on our property, the housekeepers are instructed to call the police in case. Please care for all things as if they were yours.
The house has strict non-smoking rules. Smoking is only allowed outside the building. Please don‘t leave your cigarette stub on the ground and use ashtrays.
There is limited water access, please don‘t waste water
Damages and losses
It can always happen, that something is damaged or lost, even it is just a glass or a cup. In case please inform us and replace the item. If you can not replace it, please give us the amount to replace it for you.
1. Clean the rooms and leave them tidy.
2. Put away all your waste.
3. If there are any losses or demages please tell us.
4. Check-out is at least 12:00
Thank you and enjoy your stay!
How to find us:
We provide a PDF with detailed informations. We are easy to find, just go direction waterfall (please ask, everybody knows) along the seaside. There is only one (bad condition) road. Pass a basketball court. Just follow 10 to 15 min until you find us. If you have heavy luggage or dont want to walk please rent a tricycle, available at the harbour.
Stores and restaurants
There are some grocery stores, a bakery and other shops in Sabang downtown. Don‘t expect too much. Keep in mind the stores closing in the evening. There is ATM in Sabang on the way to our cottage. In the evening you can eat at Sheridans (there is a nice buffet at the beach, about 750 Peso per person) or at the few restaurants placed on the beach.
Please don‘t invite or party with guests from outside, as long as we did not explicit allowed it. No illegal drugs allowed on our property, the housekeeper is instructed to call the police in case. Please care for all things as if they were yours.
The house has strict non-smoking rules. Smoking is only
allowed outside the building. Please don‘t leave your cigarette stub on the ground, please use ashtrays.
Damages and losses
It can always happen, that something is damaged or lost, even it is just a glass or a cup. In case please inform us and replace the item. If you can not replace it, please give us the amount to replace it for you.
Going Underground River
Coming from Puerto Princesa City (PPC), there are few vans leaving at Van Terminal (New Market), it takes about 90 min. In the late afternoon there are no vans going. Enjoy lonely beaches and when you go to the Underground River, be one of the first at 6.30 am to avoid the crowd.
If you want to visit the famous Underground River by yourself without a tour, you can get a permit now directly in Sabang since February 2020! It is about 1.500 Peso per person (02/2020)
Visiting the Underground River
There are guided tours from PPC. They pick you up early morning, takes 2 hours to get there. Expect a big crowd at the harbour (because all vans come at the same time) and hundreds of people waiting. So it can take you a few hours to wait until your boat is leaving. After the trip you just stay there in Sabang doing nothing for few hours until you hit back again for 2 hours.
So better organize the trip by yourself. Check in advance if the park is open! http://ppur.com.ph/ (if you book on this page, you will be forwarded to a booking tour with van, not just the entrance!)
If you book our Garden Paradise Cottage in PPC, we can help you to get a public van to Sabang for 200 Peso p.P., takes 90 min. You should stay in Sabang at least for 2 nights. Enjoy lonely beaches at your 1st day, 2nd day go Underground River, as one of the first at 6 am to avoid the crowd. Afternoon you can do a walk to amazing Zipline and Mangrove exploring (cheap and interesting!) and enjoy again beautiful lonely beaches. If you go to Sabang waterfall, depending on the season, it might be dried and after walking for one hour on slippery rocks you might be disappointed.
1. Clean the rooms and leave them tidy.
2. Put away all your waste.
3. If there are any losses or demages please tell us.
4. Please inform us about your leaving time. Check-out is at least 12:00